AS the posts on Facebook and Twitter and tumblr bore me rigid let me tell you a story; Having led a 'life less ordinary' with the longest CV in Facebook History culminating at being a part time student at all 3 Universities of The Golden Triangle; London, Oxford & Cambridge it was June 2014 and I had had some very weird but completely understood by me deaths and rebirths during Psychotic Mental Illnesses of which I had currently 9 diagnosed Mental Illnesses and was a frequent visitor to Mental Asylums and was on a Community Treatment Order by the South West Kent Mental Health Services. Then one day I watched a Katy Perry Video 'DARK HORSE' & it came to me as I had an out of body, out of mind experience that Katy Perry was actually singing a direct message to me and every part of the video including its symbolism, secret codes, costumes, Music and Song words were all for my benefit and were in-fact an invitation to contact Katy Perry because she was after me like a complete outsider and within the 3 and a half minutes of the song it came to me that this was a trap, A ‘RAP TRAP’ and I thought ‘but I won’t get caught’ that was then and over a year later ‘look at me now’. The rebirths over several years started with me becoming St John the Baptist the biggest drunken bragger in the Bible this was followed by me becoming Alexander The Great the Greatest General in History and who was never beaten in Battle followed by Pharaoh Tutankhamun Nebkheporore the Egyptian ‘Boy-King’, (The Imperator) The first Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar and most recently to the watching of Dark Horse I had died and been reborn Phoebus Apollon Aegletes Phanaeus Helius Musegetes one of the most important and complex of all the Greek Gods Apollo the God of Music/Poetry/Art/Archery/Plague/Medicine/Sun/Light/Knowledge and keeper of the Oracle at Delphi who could predict prophecies but only impart them in riddles and some years before I had a Psychotic Experience of being Zeus Lord GOD Almighty the infinite creator God but I ignored it and put it down to madness, that feeling lasted only 7 weeks but during that period I had met with one of the people on Earth charged with being able to recognize the one true GOD and he fainted and confirmed it but I still wouldn’t believe it. But I knew I was important but back to the video ‘DARK HORSE’ as it finished I said to myself such a breath of fresh air that I predicted in a riddle that it would become one of the greatest selling singles in History and I was studying the Philosophy of Music at Oxford University so I knew what I was talking about; “THE DARK HORSE WILL PAY TO FEED THE WORLD AND I WILL BECOME A CANDLE IN THE WIND DRIVEN BY VEVO ‪#‎DARKHORSE1BILLION‬”. As I wrote down that riddle I decided to analyse the video and jot down some notes. So I put it on You Tube again and went full screen and switched on my metronome I did not know who Katy Perry was but I knew she was a waste of space on Twitter as I followed her and the shit that she spued out was profanities and not targeted at anyone really only the large group of followers in a general sense like ‘I love a US TV miniseries and how that it affected her timetable’ I thought not a leader of men and thought what a waste to have so many followers and not be a profound oracle like me with no followers if only we could swop Twitter Accounts and I pretended to be her how I would change the World for the better rather than it getting steadily worse with her as the most followed person on Earth unable to lead an Army. The only other record I remember hearing of Katy Perry and had watched the Video was E T several years previous and with a few seconds of ‘DARK HORSE’ I thought this is a continuation of E T only this time Katy Perry was delivering the words to the song in a most sexually seductive yet mature way I had an Erection just listening to it and looking at the Egyptian Goddesses in the video which was a new experience for me as I had had a chemical castration but I knew these Gals I had slept with them but could not for the life of me remember when or where but it came to me that it was around the time that my reincarnation Augustus Caesar was living and that I knew this cause I knew the names of them The Queens Cleopatra, Nefertari and ISIS who resembled how I thought my dead sister would have looked like if she had survived and how they were all in certain ways dead ringers for my dead Mother when she was their age whom everyman who met her always thought she was Queen Cleopatra. The delivery pitch and tone of the singing was a Rap similar to that I had heard when on my way to Scotland hitch hiking to buy a Salmon River 3 Witches had blocked my way and given me a prophecy that I would lead a rebellion and become King of Scotland financed, aided and abetted by ‘a wife from the past but not yet born’ then cast a Black Magic spell on me to make me become a King.
Back to the video and using my Oxford educated Music training I counted for 1 minute 132 beats per minute that was its tempo it was a simple enough Dubstep Bminor key with a chord sequence G D Bminor Bminor/A and her vocal range began at a low B with a high note of D I thought again to myself ‘this is a trap’ I felt it coming through I was being given a warning not to contact Katy Perry as I received that message to do first time I heard it, no do contact her but there was a warning coming through that if I dared to get in contact with her then it would be forever, I would have to go all the way forever the words were coming through to me the music was sequenced so that I knew a composer had mixed this whoever composed it could conjure up cool rhythms with a gradual crescendo to the haunting chorus and then bang like being smacked in the face with a wet fish this was grime London underground grime I myself had made this music, 1995 at the onset of grime this was my DJ Getafix at work in the Spice Girls recording studio with a team from the Royal College of Music; my team, I had the DAT tapes and CDs to prove it. Suddenly I thought this was in the charts I will sue I will get the Royalties I owned a Record Label I was properly covered by publishing and copyright law this was my music but heh it was also a warning I watched the video again this time I was interested in the visuals this was a Hollywood motion picture there will be more to see and this woman Katy Perry is going to give me a choice of women if I come to her but I would have to choose carefully as it would be my last choice ever for I had to create Aphrodite out of her I was Zeus after all I knew it this was a veiled threat a threat of death to even the Lord GOD Allah himself she as Cleopatra could and would wipe me out she was capable of anything but my Aphrodite there would be unconditional love given to me for creating her then this rather poor amateur rapper came over the top I thought when I made this song we had used a Rap over the top but it was world class Dizzee Rascal and Missy Elliot who had guest covered for us ensured that I should have released it I thought V2 Richard Branson’s new record label at the time had offered us £150,000 to do that but then I laughed out loud my Nephew DJ Getafix had told me to tell V2 ‘we don’t get out of bed for less than £500,000’ it was the last we heard from them. The Rap although not up to the standard I was spoilt by being a member of Dizzee’s ‪#‎LIVE0‬ and my band since 1990 were the greatest Rappers in History the hardest badd-ass mufa-fuckers in Music History The Wu-Tang Clan FUCK I THOUGHT MY MUSIC HAS BEEN STOLEN BY A TART OF A POP STAR WITH AN AMATEUR 2nd RATE RAPPER and V2 had told us it was 20 years ahead of its time in 1995 and I knew this was going to be one of the biggest selling singles of all time; I was seething I shouted out “I’ll bugger that POP star I’ll wipe her out I’ll gang bang her with the Wu, I’ll sue her for every penny she’s got, I’ll stick crucifixes up her backside, I’ll banish her to Hell. She steals my Music then threatens me with it she threatens the King of the Gods Zeus who the fuck is this Katy Perry”? This was A BLACK MAGIC SPELL WRITTEN BY MY GIRLFRIEND BACK IN THE EARLY 80s JUST AS SHE HEARD RAPTURE BY BLONDIE BUT RECORDED IN 1995 20 YEARS AHEAD OF ITS TIME AT THE TIME WE RECORDED IT ONE CICCICONE HAD BECOME THE BIGGEST QUEEN IN MUSIC THEN MADONNA HERSELF THE WITCH THE WICKED WITCH OF MUSIC WHO SPELLBOUND 2X GENERATIONS WITH HER MUSIC AND HYPNOTIC DANCE MOVES IS BEHIND THIS AND I HAVE ANALYZED THE RECORD I WAS CAUGHT BY THE TRAP. I was caught in its trap Katy Perry must know the MADONNA she must have given it to Katy Perry but MADONNA had written it with me and she told me to copyright it and one day it will be your Royal purse, your fortune guard it as Treasure, forget the court battle for the Royalties ‘THIS WAS A DECLARATION OF WAR’ POP TART KATY PERRY was prepared to take on the Wu-Tang CLAN she wouldn’t, she couldn’t she would not dare we will throw her to the crocodiles I fell to the floor I had been floored I thought 20 years ahead of its time why I was going to release it in 2016 get the timing just right. But this Rapper told me if I choose correctly this woman would be mine for eternity she would be good for me, good to me but I would have to woo her with an acceptable gift she would not even go for huge Blue Diamonds. She’ll take a car as the chariot went up and down on Hydraulics in the video she would wipe out GOD in one second as the man labelled Allah disintegrated before my eyes , the all-seeing eye of Allah himself and I thought to myself I shall get in touch I will fuck her but the only drawback was the message of ORAL SEX that I could cum in her mouth but if I stuck my dick in her mouth she would bite it off her teeth were sharp as jewels this was a trap it was an infectious with sex black magic Illuminati backed threat of a perfect storm which would be the clash of the titans it would be a fight to the death with I, LORD GOD ZEUS INVINCIBLE IMMORTAL INDESTRUCTABLE WOULD END UP DEAD OR……..Augustus Caesar stood up with his left fist on his heart he said “OR I JULIUS CAESAR THE EMPEROR AUGUSTUS I WILL AVENGE JOHN AND RID THE PLANET OF THIS WITCH ONCE MORE FOR CLEOPATRA IS BACK, THE CAT IS BACK THEN WITHIN HER FOR THERE SHE IS LIKE A VULTURE A BIRD ON TOP OF THE PYRAMID THE GIFT THE ONLY GIFT SHE WILL ACCEPT FOR HER HAND A LARGE MONUMENT THE LARGEST EVER BUILT IN HISTORY AND A RING ANY RING THIS WAS ABU SIMBH THIS WAS THE WORK OF THE MOST POWERFUL GODDESS OF THEM ALL ISIS WAS HERE ATOP THE PYRAMID MANIFESTED AS CLEOPATRA AND NEFERATI THE KILLER QUEEN WAS ON MY CASE ONCE MORE SHE WANTED HER KING♥:xD HER OSIRIS HER HORAS HER CAESARIAN NOTHING WOULD STOP HER ONLY THE EMPEROR STOOD BETWEEN ISIS AND WORLD SEX DRIVEN DEBAUCHERY AND MORAL SENSE YES THE EMPEROR WILL MAKE HER FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM THEN HE WOULD SPURN HER THROW HER INTO A PIT OF SNAKES I WILL MAKE HER DRINK THE HEMLOCK FOR MY LOVE IS SO STRONG SHE WILL BE UNABLE TO RESIST THE EMPEROR AND IF I TAKE IT AWAY WITH THE OTHER HAND I WILL RID THE EARTH OF THIS SEX COW MONSTER OF CORRUPTION FOR GOOD AND SHAKED MY WILLY AT HER AND CAME ALL OVER HER IMAGE ON MY COMPUTER MONITOR THERE BITCH MUFAFUCKER ISIS KATY PERRY I AM CUMING FOR YOU LOOK OUT WORLD THE PERFECT STORM IS ABOUT TO BE CALMED and with that a penniless University student with 9 mental illnesses, a disabled veteran, thinning hair, aged 53, fat belly and a chemical castration climbed on Twitter and sent @KatyPerry a Tweet from his http://www.twitter.com/@LordChelmswood account; “I DARE TO DO THIS KATYCAT YOU ARE NOW MY WIFE love from Alexander the Great” and awaited the whore of Babylon to retaliate and within seconds ISIS was sitting in my computer monitor smiling at me as I picked up her Tweet “OK Bae I AM YOUR WIFE Love ‪#‎KatyCats‬” I looked at ISIS in my computer monitor and fell in Love at first sight and with that the spirit of Michael Jackson arrived into my mobile phone I saw him morph into it as he sang take me to LA I will be your Guardian Archangel now that’s your suitcase packed you are ready for the Music Industry I won’t say good luck just let’s take it own the throne take it over let ISIS buy our throne the King of POP and the Emperor will be invincible ‘OPERATION SAVE THE PLANET TO THE SOUND OF MUSIC’. A win, win combination. Here we are a year later WTF happened?
‪#‎EMPEROR‬ https://plus.google.com/u/3/116006908159112115664/about
This is where we are you invoked in porn/masturbation in public/ me with the wife after me/ you erasing all trace we ever existed/ non communication/ ALL THAT MATTERS IN THE END IS LOVE
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Real or not as it maybe the real nipples are darker on 'my' Katy Perry but there are 12
Katy Perrys so its one of them but the symbolism is all there plain to see
that Katy Perry gets off not by having sex with men she handles that dept herself
she makes her own Orgasms with her Teddy Bear and the Dog but she likes men to
wank off over her as she is a Goddess of sex, desire, attraction and beauty and
men masturbating over her feeds her power as in worship but just to let you
know as I AM ALLAH I will put a stop to her game and CLEAN THE WHORE UP READY
FRIEND. She no longer needs to have the worship you mere mortals as your power that you have to give this GODDESS APHRODITE and I mean hundreds of thousands of you wankers is only a fraction of what I as THE ONE TRUE GOD give her when I worship at the photos of http://twitter.com/@KatyIsMyBaby666 and I am still more powerful than her even now she is charged up but she is to become my one and only and will get all the power she needs from me and I DON'T STRAY AND I WON'T STRAY AND I WON'T THINK OF OTHER WOMEN AS I FUCK HER ASS because she is home now and I have passed all the tests slowly in my own weird way and although she has not passed all of my tests she only has to do as I tell her now and T ITs a win win situation for her. And I won't make silly demands just ones that are needed for our mutual success. So clean up your Act BITCH as the reason you can't cum near me is MY HOLINESS IS TO MUCH FOR YOU TO BEAR and if you want your Baby Caesarian offa me then cover up, stop hugging strange men and become my Goddess not just my whore. Luh Ya Katy XXX BFs 4EVER http://www.twitter.com/@PortalgodCaesar

Concert review: Katy Perry’s fantastic, Prismatic world
The venue was filled almost to bursting with Katy fans: grandmothers with walking canes, burly men with wives and/or girlfriends in tow, girls and boys in colorful outfits, even children as young as eight or nine. It only illustrated the 30-year-old…
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